Thursday, May 17, 2012

Linus Pauling Vitamin C: Who Was Linus Pauling?

Many people have found an interest in the Linus Pauling Vitamin C supplement. The research Linus Pauling has done on Vitamin C has disproved the myth of the common cold having no cure. You might ask yourself what he knows about the vitamin and who is Linus Pauling?
In 1966, Irwin Stone, a biochemist introduced the concept of Vitamin C to Linus. To prevent a cold, the ideas was to take high levels of Vitamin C. The connection between cancer and the vitamin were looked at him, along with help from a British Cancer Surgeon. While medical professionals did not agree with Pauling's work, he continued them with other physicians.
So why does Pauling feel so strongly about what Vitamin C can do for the body. The body cannot store the water soluble vitamin C but many mammals and animals can make their own. The Linus Pauling Vitamin C product formula can be replenished, since humans cannot make it. Pauling says that you can get it easily through diet and pills and this comes without having risks.
Health, gender and age are all the factors to consider when looking into the amount. For instance, if you are a female, 19 or older, you should consume 75 mg everyday; males should consume 90 mg. Take the recommended dose and add 35 mg if you are a smoker. The body of a smoker can already be under oxidative stress due to cigarette toxins.
Collagen is formed with the help of this certain vitamin. The collagen found in blood vessels, ligaments, bone, and tendons will need to be strong and work properly. Creating neurotransmitters for the brain is critical and this vitamin helps in that process. Molecules can help be protected from free radicals by the use of just a tiny amount of the antioxidant Vitamin C.
Not having this vitamin is considered dangerous and it is important, which is something Pauling understands. Scurvy, a major deficiency of Vitamin C, was known to be cured with eating lemons and oranges by the British navy of the 1700s. Taking more than the required amount allowed Pauling to see that other conditions could be prevented. This includes but not limited to Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke, Cancer, Cataracts and more.
Broccoli, grapefruit, oranges, strawberries, and some supplements are ways of getting this vitamin. Pauling's research is believe in by many, even with a few who do not. The amazing results of his findings have helped many try the Linus Pauling Vitamin C supplement.

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